Supporting Your Young Person in Distress & Reframing Challenging Behaviour via Little Hiccups

Mar 0510:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Supporting Your Young Person in Distress & Reframing Challenging Behaviour via Little Hiccups

This workshop will first look at challenging behaviours and reframe these to distress behaviours. From there, we can clarify why these distress behaviours are happening and review examples of each. Importantly, we will learn the foundations of boundary setting that work best for neurodivergent young people. While doing this, we will start thinking about traditional parenting advice and how we might need to rethink consequences in order to build a young person’s sense of safety, trust and overall well-being.

Supporting Your Young Person in Distress & Reframing Challenging Behaviour: via Little Hiccups

Mar 1410:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Supporting Your Young Person in Distress & Reframing Challenging Behaviour: via Little Hiccups

This workshop will first look at challenging behaviours and reframe these to distress behaviours. From there, we can clarify why these distress behaviours are happening and review examples of each. Importantly, we will learn the foundations of boundary setting that work best for neurodivergent young people. While doing this, we will start thinking about traditional parenting advice and how we might need to rethink consequences in order to build a young person’s sense of safety, trust and overall well-being.

Supporting Sleep: via The Nook, The Nurture Programme

Mar 1810:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Supporting Sleep: via The Nook, The Nurture Programme

PDAers are a unique community of people and so it makes sense that our sleep and sleep priorities differ from other people. This workshop will look at common PDA traits and how these are our foundation blocks to creating sleep support.

Supporting Your Young Person in Distress & Reframing Challenging Behaviour: via Little Hiccups

Mar 197:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Supporting Your Young Person in Distress & Reframing Challenging Behaviour: via Little Hiccups

This workshop will first look at challenging behaviours and reframe these to distress behaviours. From there, we can clarify why these distress behaviours are happening and review examples of each. Importantly, we will learn the foundations of boundary setting that work best for neurodivergent young people. While doing this, we will start thinking about traditional parenting advice and how we might need to rethink consequences in order to build a young person’s sense of safety, trust and overall well-being.

Co-Regulation, The Whys and How's: via Little Hiccups

Apr 2310:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Co-Regulation, The Whys and How’s: via Little Hiccups

One of the most common concerns that parents and carers list in regards to their young person is emotional regulation. This workshop hears that concern and looks to build to build toward regulation from a foundation of co-regulation. Therefore, we will look at what is co-regulation and why is it so key in the development of our young people.

Let's Chat Puberty: via The Nook, The Nurture Programme

Apr 2910:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Let’s Chat Puberty: via The Nook, The Nurture Programme

Puberty presents a transition that is largely out of your young person’s control. It’s a time period of increasing demands, increasing hygiene needs and body changes. What a steep learning curve for our young people!

Co-Regulation: The Whys and How’s, via Little Hiccups

Apr 297:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Co-Regulation: The Whys and How’s, via Little Hiccups

One of the most common concerns that parents and carers list in regards to their young person is emotional regulation. This workshop hears that concern and looks to build to build toward regulation from a foundation of co-regulation. Therefore, we will look at what is co-regulation and why is it so key in the development of our young people

Co-Regulation, The Whys and How’s: via Little Hiccups

Apr 3010:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Co-Regulation, The Whys and How’s: via Little Hiccups

One of the most common concerns that parents and carers list in regards to their young person is emotional regulation. This workshop hears that concern and looks to build to build toward regulation from a foundation of co-regulation. Therefore, we will look at what is co-regulation and why is it so key in the development of our young people.

All Things Interoception: via Little Hiccups

May 0710:00 AM - 12:00 PM

All Things Interoception: via Little Hiccups

Did you know there is a fancy word for sensing what is going inside our bodies? Interoception is the sense for knowing if we are hot, cold, hungry, tired and even our emotions like happy, excited and frustrated. Being able to tune into our bodies can be tricky and as you might imagine, if tuning in is tricky, then taking care of ourselves is tricky too. Luckily, we can learn some ideas to build our interoception sense and also help our kiddos.

All Things Interoception, via Little Hiccups

May 077:00 PM - 9:00 PM

All Things Interoception, via Little Hiccups

Did you know there is a fancy word for sensing what is going inside our bodies? Interoception is the sense for knowing if we are hot, cold, hungry, tired and even our emotions like happy, excited and frustrated. Being able to tune into our bodies can be tricky and as you might imagine, if tuning in is tricky, then taking care of ourselves is tricky too. Luckily, we can learn some ideas to build our interoception sense and also help our kiddos.

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