
Autistic-led Online Magazine

We are so grateful that you have chosen to read and engage with our magazine. We aim to continue providing affirming information and build community.

Please find our webpage and launch edition here.

Autistic Revolution Home Webpage

As you may know, Autistic Revolution is currently being managed, produced and financially run by volunteers. Therefore, we have created a Just Giving page to support the magazine going further. Please find our Just Giving link below.

Just Giving Link for Autistic Revolution

We see any donations that come into Just Giving as being a springboard for our team to take the magazine to the next stage. We would love to be able to financially access upgrading our software in order for our team to have the ability to work on the magazine as a team. As we build, we plan to access additional financial streams in order to pay contributors for their published submissions.

We would also love to have the financial ability to produce a few printed copies of our launch edition. These copies would be used in our social media posts to show people the quality of the magazine and to assess the community’s desire for printed magazine copies.

Donations to this page would also help cover monthly costs that are currently being paid for personally by volunteers.

  • £45/month for software
  • £10/month for Go Daddy

Online Webinar Fundraiser

To help boost our fundraising efforts, Laura Hellfeld, Jenny Loughran and Scott Neilson will be hosting their online webinar ‘Same Food as Self Care’ as a by donation event February 27th at 7 pm GMT.

Their webinar is focused on holding space for exploring the mental health, sensory and physical benefits of our same and favourite foods. This is an interactive time together and participants will be invited to draw and write their experiences and emotional responses. For more information and to reserve your space by donation, please follow the Event Brite link below.

Eventbrite Link to Sign Up & Donate for ‘Same Food as Self Care’ Webinar

Thank you so much for sharing in the excitement of the magazine,

The Team at Autistic Revolution

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