
The Autistic Burnout Network is a cohort of Neurodivergent professionals and educators who are all committed to increasing the understanding of burnout and are excited to bring you this online conference.

Event Date:
May 17 at 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Register your interest to attend the conference

Who is the Autistic Burnout Network?

The Autistic Burnout Network is a cohort of Neurodivergent professionals and educators who are all committed to increasing the understanding of burnout, educating others and providing meaningful and compassionate care to those needing support.

Our aim is to create a ‘go to’ place for professionals and individuals to come to find training and support for burnout. With the varied experiences of the identifying professionals involved in this network, we hope to create a high standard of best practice when it comes to supporting our community members.

The Autistic Burnout Conference, May 2025

While details are still to be sorted, we would like to share that we will be bringing you the Autistic Burnout Conference in May 17th 2025.

This will be a one-day, online event for professionals, parents, carers and identifying individuals. Tickets for professionals are priced at a £50 donation while there is a tier of donation options for identifying individuals and parents at £2, £10 and £25.

What Subjects Will be Discussed at the Conference?

Lived experience professionals will be educating on subjects such as (list created by Viv Dawes)

  • Missed and misdiagnosed
  • The impact of being multiply marginalised
  • School trauma, autistic children and young people
  • Puberty and menopause
  • Undetected co-occurring conditions such as EDS, PoTs etc
  • Monotropism, interoception and burnout
  • The science behind burnout and the nervous system
  • What do we mean when we talk about recovery?
  • When burnout is extreme – neurodivergent people, addiction and the criminal justice system

A Conference with Multiple Causes

In addition to providing meaningful education, proceeds from the conference will go toward supporting Autistic Revolution CIC. Autistic Revolution is a free, online magazine created by Autistic and neurodivergent staff to bring you stories, art, music and events that cover topics such as reframing families, education, dedicated interests, food and eating, lifestyle and wellbeing and sexuality.

Register your interest to attend the conference

There is now a form to register your interest in attending the conference. Please follow the link on Viv Dawes’ Webpage here and scroll down to the bottom of the page to input your details.

Thank you on behalf of the Autistic Burnout Network for your interest.


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