
In this workshop, attendants will explore the Autistic food trait of ‘same food’. Same foods are foods that we have a great attachment to, our personal favourites. We may eat these foods every day in order to bring ourselves routine or comfort.

Event Date:
Sep 17 at 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

An online webinar hosted by SWAN

September 17th, 5.30 pm – 7 pm

In this workshop, attendants will explore the Autistic food trait of ‘same food’. Same foods are foods that we have a great attachment to, our personal favourites. We may eat these foods every day in order to bring ourselves routine or comfort.

Participants will be welcomed to draw or look up an image of one of their same foods. For those comfortable, we can share these foods and community moment with one another.

We will then explore our emotional and sensory responses to our chosen same food. Participants will be encouraged to draw or write what emotions, colours, shapes, music (or anything else!) that they feel when thinking of their same food. We will explore how our same foods therefore provide an important piece to our mental well-being and self-care.

Participants will then be guided to create scripts for themselves to help navigate social eating scenarios and advocate their food needs.

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