
Puberty presents a transition that is largely out of your young person’s control. It’s a time period of increasing demands, increasing hygiene needs and body changes. What a steep learning curve for our young people!

Event Date:
Apr 29 at 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Let’s Chat Puberty: via The Nook

Tuesday, April 29th, 10 am

Puberty presents a transition that is largely out of your young person’s control. It’s a time period of increasing demands, increasing hygiene needs and body changes. What a steep learning curve for our young people! This webinar will look at ways to provide your young person with control, information and choices in order to feel more secure, begin learning about self-care and increase their ability to accept the changes that puberty presents. We’ll also spend time discussing menstruation, a period sensory kit and ranges of period options. Importantly, we will go through lots of sign posting and product recommendations.

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