8 October 2024• byLaura Hellfeld
Your child’s experience with food may have first been described as ‘picky’ and then as ‘sensory’. While this sensory framework has given some answers, you realize that this may not be the whole picture.
Event Date:
Oct 08 at 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
An in-person Workshop via Thinking Big
Tuesday October 8th, 10 am – 12 pm
Bradford, more details to follow
Supporting Your Young Person with Food & Eating:
Your child’s experience with food may have first been described as ‘picky’ and then as ‘sensory’. While this sensory framework has given some answers, you realize that this may not be the whole picture.
You’ve noticed that your kid may add some foods onto their preferred food list but have dropped others. Or, they were ok eating those crisps on Monday but not today.
What else is going on?
It turns out that there are other neurodivergent traits that drive our relationship with food and eating.
This workshop goes through those concepts in order to help you have a fuller picture of your child’s eating habits and preferences.
The goal is to help guide you in supporting your child’s eating and hydration by tuning into their inherent traits. You’ll be focused on working with your child rather than power struggles at meal times.
We will also be touching on pica, over-eating and PFD (paediatric feeding disorder) versus ARFID
Goals of the Workshop:
- Support your child’s eating in a way that validates their needs
- Clarify neurodivergent traits that impact eating and food choices
- Solidify your family’s priorities surrounding food and meal times
- Remove anxiety and power struggles associated with eating and meals
- Improve your and your child’s overall mental health
Last modified: 8 August 2024